We created the most authentic travel campaign ever.
For millennials authenticity is everything. So to inspire them to travel further to be amazed we had to prove them it was worth it.
How? By equipping a travel influencer with that device which recorded his brainwaves. Brains don’t lie so what we showed were the true feelings of a traveler.
We sent the vlogger Sanders Owen to Japan to experience something completely new, outside of his comfort zone.
What you see on the left is his brain activity, revealing to the audience could see what he truly loved most.
Mad Donkey
We created posters which showed Saunders actual brain activity as he walked through his trip. Here when he was in the Bamboo Grove of Kyoto.
136K impressions
For people at home to be able to get in on this too, so we created a website that showed beautiful parallax images that the user scrolled between. At the end, we analysed their unconscious behaviour to show which destination they desired the most. They could then enter a competition to win flights there!