We share a name with the man, the myth, the legend. George Lucas.
Whilst flattering, it’s also a huge pain as no-one can find us on Google searches.
Here are our tries to make the man, the myth, the legend, change his name to let us have it.
The biggest problem we face as a pair comes when we introduce ourselves. If we had a pound for every time someone said “Like Star Wars haha”, we wouldn’t be looking for a job.
In an effort to become more popular in search results, we wrote to Mr. Lucas to try and get him to change his name so we can make a name for ourselves.
Web Banner
Since Mr. Lucas wasn’t answering, we decided to set up an AdWord banner ad on his name for 6 months, located near Skywalker Ranch, to get him to answer us.
We got bored of waiting for his response so we snuck a few posters on the underground to get people to offer up their suggestions.